Friday, December 19, 2008

Baby Girl's Name!

I have not shared online yet what name we have chosen for Baby Girl, even though we've known it since sometime in October. Let's back up a bit.

Jonathan and I have always had names we liked. We've agreed on a few in fact, before we ever were married! But somehow when we found out we were really pregnant with a little girl, all the "pretty" names we'd thought we'd use didn't seem to fit. Jonathan was deployed and we'd talk and look up names online based on their meaning, but never really come to an agreement where we felt "this is it." He finally told me one day, "We just need to pray for her name. God knows it already, He just has to reveal it to us." So, that's what we did. We prayed. For about 2 months.

One day, over chat, Jonathan told me a name had come to his mind on the flight he'd had the previous night. He said it was "Eliana". He didn't know what it meant or how to spell it. So he looked it up right then. It means, "The Lord has answered." (I knew that, as I'd had an online friend use it over a year ago.) Isn't that amazing? We just knew, this was her name! We're going to spell it Elyana. It will be Elyana Ruth. Ruth means "companion, friend". We've always loved the name Ruth, and the book. But long ago, before we were even trying for a baby, I told Jonathan (seriously joking) that I'd prefer a girl first, to have a "little buddy" to go places with, talk to all day, and have tea/coffee with. I, of course, changed my mind quickly and just prayed so long for a healthy live baby, no matter anything else. But the fact that God's given us a girl is a sweet reminder of what friendship I plan to have with my daughter (as I have with my mom!).

So that's it! Elyana Ruth. We can't wait.


Lindsay said...

that's awesome Denise!! I was wondering if you were going to tell the name but I just thought you were waiting till she was born:)

What a name the Lord has given this Miracle!

CANNOT wait to see her in pictures!!

Lindsay said...

that's awesome Denise!! I was wondering if you were going to tell the name but I just thought you were waiting till she was born:)

What a name the Lord has given this Miracle!

CANNOT wait to see her in pictures!!

lislynn said...

Oh I love that name! It was on my short list for girls when I was pg with Judah because of the meaning, in particular, but I also just love the lyrical sound of it. I have a student here in town named Elliana (different spelling, but pronounced the same) and they call her Ellie for short. Are you guys nick-namers? Our kids barely even know what their real names are, I think, they get called so many different goofy names...

Susannah Forshey said...

Wow, that's so precious! What a great name, Denise...definitely special, definitely given by God. :) Can't wait to see her little face!

Anonymous said...

That is so perfect, meaningful, and beautiful!!!

Claudia said...

That is just awesome! I am sooo looking forward to seeing some pics of her when she's born. You are going to have such a blast with your baby girl :-)

Jeanie said...

Love the name! We had Eliana on our top 5 list with Abigail. I love how beautiful it sounds. And we're big into the meaning of our girls names too.

I'm am beyond thrilled for you, Denise. I can't wait to meet your beautiful little girl. Daughters are amazing, precious gifts from God. I am SO blessed by mine and thank God for them daily!

Anonymous said...

We see on your pregnancy countdown at the top of your blog that you have 2 weeks left to go! What a blessing!! We are praying for all three of you and look forward to the arrival of Elyana in your arms!


Lindsey said...

THat name is beautiful! I can't wait to see that sweet little girl's first pictures! How are you feeling now?

Anonymous said...

I hope we get another update from you before baby comes. You're so close! Ticker